We heard from our friend Charles Curry of Chronos Technology over the long weekend. He had a “yes and” to last week’s post about a jammer company with a new product line. – Full disclosure, Chronos has long be an RNTF corporate member.
Charles is semi-retired but still keeps an eye on the jammer market.
precisejammers 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
What’s the context?
US prison officials harness new technology to crack down on contraband cellphones but some still want powers to jam signals
- South Carolina programme shuts off more than 800 phones
- Federal action on broader signal jamming tech seen as unlikely
- Activists raise privacy, rights concerns for prisoners
Digital privacy rights advocates and tech experts say even solutions less far-reaching than full-blown signal jamming - like the South Carolina pilot - threaten to trample on the rights of prisoners by, for example, sharing legally protected information with private phone companies or carriers.
precisejammers 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
NBC News reported that online retailers and drone technology companies are marketing radio frequency jammers as drone deterrence or privacy tools, bypassing laws that prohibit the sale of such devices in the United States.
The warning issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) says signal jamming devices can block emergency calls and pose a serious risk to public safety communications, as well as interfere with other forms of daily communication and air navigation systems.
precisejammers 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
The integration of GPS technology has completely transformed how companies manage their fleets of vehicles. With real-time tracking capabilities, managers can now monitor their vehicles efficiently, a critical advantage for businesses that heavily rely on transportation. Fleet GPS tracking has proven to be essential in enhancing productivity and efficiency for these companies.
By utilizing Azuga's advanced tracking system, you can enjoy a multitude of advantages, including enhanced route planning and efficient fuel management. Unfortunately, the presence of fleet GPS jammers can impede your fleet's performance. Let us delve deeper into the realm of GPS jammers and discover effective strategies to counter their disruptive influence.
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Glendale police issue warning about burglars using WiFi signal jammers to disable alarms, security cameras
GLENDALE, Calif. (KABC) -- Glendale police have issued a warning about residential burglars who use WIFI jammers to disable security alarms and surveillance cameras.
As described by police Sgt. Victor Jackson, the devices used by thieves block the signal or scramble the WiFi. "So if you have a Ring camera, a Nest camera -- any kind of alarm system that is WiFi-based or a camera that's WiFi-based -- it blocks the signal and knocks it out," he said.
precisejammers 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
In a statement by the Los Angeles Police Department, officers warn that a group in Wilshire is using wifi jamming technology to disarm surveillance cameras and alarm systems that rely on Wi-Fi.
(TNS) — A group of thieves have been outsmarting smart devices across the Los Angeles area, authorities said.
precisejammers 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
Jammers don't target individual phones - they actually block all phones in the affected area. They drown out communications between cell phones and base stations by generating RF noise - the equivalent of you trying to talk to someone while I'm standing next to you screaming at the top of my voice.
I doubt anyone is using jammers - jammers are uncommon, and the penalties for using jammers are quite severe in many places. Start by talking to your mobile carrier. If after all of this you still have reason to believe that jammers are being used, complain to the body responsible for radio and communication systems in your country - this could be the FCC in the US, or Ofcom in the UK - other countries will have their own equivalent.
precisejammers 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
In the minutes leading up to noon on September 11, 2018, Jared Johns, a former Army private, lay down on his bed, switched on the camera of his iPhone, and expressed his goodbyes to his family.
Approaching the conclusion of the two-minute video, Johns's eyes widened in horror as he read a message on his screen: "She is informing the police, and you will be imprisoned," the message declared.
precisejammers 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
A Chinese government-affiliated trade body sought to purchase drone-jamming equipment for Russian buyers, but dismissed accusations, claiming the Russians tried to buy children’s toys, FT says.
precisejammers 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
The FCC says illegal devices that block cell phone signals could pose a security risk.
The FCC has noticed a rise in people selling "jammers." The devices can block cell phone calls, text messages, Wi-Fi networks and GPS systems and could be used to cause chaos in public places.
The small, battery-powered devices can be used to create "blind spots" in a small area (usually about 30 feet) and have been used by movie theaters, restaurants and schools to prevent people from using their phones. But they can also cut off 911 calls, interfere with navigation near airports and have been used to jam radio communications near police stations. FCC officials say they have noticed an increase in the flow of jammers, which are banned by federal law, into the U.S. Many of the cheaper versions, which sell for as little as $25, are imported from Asia, according to the agency.
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