目前分類:5g (2)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

To jam a 5G signal, an intelligent adversary can detect unencrypted synchronization signals to obtain the physical cell identity (PCI) and then launch a targeted cell phone jamming attack on the physical broadcast channel (PBCH). This intelligent jamming (PBCH-IJ) disrupts the master information block (MIB) decoding, leading to denial of services for users trying to access the PCI cell. The proposed method in the paper suggests detecting PBCH-IJ by analyzing the principal direction of PBCH demodulation reference signal space at the user side, as this direction is significantly impacted by PBCH-IJ under low mobility scenarios.

How to Jamming Attack a 5g Sig


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Numerous variations of 5G signal jammer are presently available. Some devices are designed to solely disrupt a single frequency, whereas others possess the capability to obstruct multiple network types concurrently. The latter mode automatically switches between different networks, actively seeking out unsecured signals. High-end devices have the capacity to block all frequencies simultaneously, while alternative devices can be fine-tuned to target specific frequencies.

In essence, these devices emit random static or noise across a broad spectrum of frequencies, resulting in a failure to establish proper connections. It can be likened to sitting beside the engine of a sports car, opening the hood, and attempting to have a phone conversation. The localized noise becomes so overpowering that the device fails to connect effectively. Swift and extensive coverage of a specific frequency range can effectively hinder the proper functioning of a device.


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