目前分類:gps related pitfalls (2)

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What is a radio jammer?

A jammer is a radio transmitter designed to interfere with, destroy, or block radio communication signals or services. In general, its role is to transmit a stronger signal than a useful signal on the target frequency band. Then the receiver no longer detects a useful signal.

Jammers often have a wider radius of action than people think or sellers suggest.


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The US Department of Transportation will host a workshop on GPS harassment and fraud in the marine environment on the afternoon of December 3.What is a GPS satellite signal jammer?First of all, we need to know what a GPS satellite positioning system is.However, many manufacturers do not pay attention to product safety when developing these products.While GPS jammers and fraud are problems in many areas of transportation and critical infrastructure, they are often most pronounced in maritime transportation.If you use your mobile phone as a tool, it can protect you from cyber criminals, thieves, and even stalkers!Tools are also great things like cooking and cleaning: they make these tasks easier and more interesting.Commonly used in places with high confidentiality requirements, such as military areas, prisons, etc.GPS satellite positioning system refers to the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) with the US military communication satellite as the carrier and the ground support device as the main body.You can also use it to prevent the drone's signal from being monitored from the air by someone else.

Global coverage, anytime, anywhere, day and night, and can be used anywhere in the world.If the protective case is useful, it should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated place to avoid GPS interference and to prevent temporary exposure to salt spray and harmless gases.For example, if you want to protect yourself from cybercriminals and hackers, you can use this tool.This is a call-blocking application that can block all radio waves from mobile phones and smartphones.What is a jammer?According to the product model, can be divided into large-scale jammers and signal jammer.This is why some areas ban or restrict the use of these products in public places, as they can cause serious interference with air navigation systems or emergency communication signals, such as police patrol cars and fire trucks that run on gasoline engines (so-called gasoline cars).


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