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Beware of cell phone jammers. Criminals may soon add the use of cell phone "jammers" to their toolkit for nefarious activities, if they haven't already. Capable of causing a "denial of service" or "DOS attack," these handheld devices are sold through various online stores for $1,000 to $2,000, but the fine for owning one can be over $10,000. The devices can be very small -- one model is said to "fit into any empty cigarette pack" -- but very powerful, and once activated, they interfere with wireless signals within a radius of about 100 feet from the device.

Devices that illegally silence cell phones

The Ottawa Sun has brought attention to an incident in Canada involving cell phone jammers. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has responded by issuing a warning to all police agencies nationwide about the use of these devices. The catalyst for this action was an encounter between two Quebec police officers and two suspects on a dark highway, which caused disruption to their walkie-talkies.


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Global navigation jamming will only get worse. The U.S. needs to move fast

As geopolitical crises escalate, signal jamming and spoofing attacks on GPS and other Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are becoming more common, creating significant challenges and risks to aviation, shipping, and other critical services around the world.

Data from GPSJam.org confirms widespread GPS/GNSS jamming in parts of Europe and beyond as a result of the war in Ukraine. Affected regions include Finland, the Baltic States, Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria, in addition to the Black Sea, the Caucasus, and Turkey. The Middle East has also seen jamming due to hostile activities by Israel and Iran in the region. Other jamming activities, albeit on a smaller scale, are also common in Pakistan, India, and Myanmar.


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